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Welcome to Indonesian Sociaty of Endo-Laparoscopic Surgeons (ISES) (Perhimpunan Bedah Endo-Laparoskopik Indonesia)

Since the introduction of laparoscopic surgery in Indonesia in 1991, minimally invasive surgical techniques has been growing rapidly seen to have the laparoscopic surgical care facilities in big cities. Even this surgical technique has also become public demands in handling problems in abdominal surgery. To anticipate the technological developments endoscopic surgery / laparoscopic surgery and the need for unity of views among the doctors surgery at Indonesaia sepialis conducting surgical or endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery, in achieving service ability and endo-laparoscopic surgery. Perceived need for containers that raise surgeon who has interest in doing the endo-laparoscopic service. For that on January 30, 1994 in Bandung was founded organization Indonesian Sociaty of Endo-Laparoscopic Surgeons (ISES) with the aim to jointly develop, support and encourage academic achievement, techniques and research in the field of surgical and endo-laparoscopic or laparoscopic surgery to be carried out in the interest of the community.

  1. Uniting surgical specialists who are interested in the field of surgical and endo-laparoscopic or laparoscopic surgery.
  2. Determine and set a guidebook, education and training of the endo-laparoscopic surgery in Indonesia.
  3. Organizing training, scientific meetings and research in the endo-laparoscopic surgical innovations.
  4. Conduct research and development in the endo-laparoscopic surgery.
  5. Entered into a partnership and association, entity or individual that has the contemplation of work in and outside the country.

Indonesian Sociaty of Endo-Laparoscopic Surgeons (ISES) Members:

1. Founding Member
Surgical specialists who have mastered the ability of surgical endoscopic / laparoscopic who on January 31, 1994 to jointly establish this association.

2. Fellow
Surgery is a recognized specialist in Indonesia who: International Or have a National Certificate or laparoscopic and endoscopic surgicalrecognized association. Having a letter from the institution where he had served the state's work / activities and endoscopic surgery or laparoscopic surgery.

3. Associate Member
The doctor is interested in fields other disciplines of science Endo-laparoscopic surgery.

4. Honorary Member
Are those who are deserving of Indonesian Sociaty of Endo-Laparoscopic Surgeons (ISES) and Endo-Laparoscopic Surgical Sciences.

Total Members ISES currently is 36th Surgeon.

Organizational Structure consists of:

  1. Legislative Conference is held three years and working konferansi.
  2. The Executive Board of Executive Committee consisting of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Members as well as other auxiliary bodies formed.
  3. Board of Trustees is authorized to plan and organize things related to research and educational attainment, especially in the ability of endo-laparoscopic surgery bidahg. Board of supervisors also maintain and defend members regarding ethical issues, legal and administrative organization.

International Relations:

Internationally known for its Indonesian Sociaty of Endo-Laparoscopic Surgeons (ISES), Also a member of the Association of Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgeons of The Asian (ELSA), which is part of the International Federation of Societies of Endoscopic Surgeons (IFSES). Some members ISES also a member of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons (EAES).


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